
parties and stuff

Today is 13/08/08 it is my second anniversary of the year, yep I have one every 6 months, the other one is 11/02. It's fun to have 2 party days a year for it, we usually go away for 2-4 days the August one is always longer as mr has his birthday on the 11th and then the anni, more reason to party (eat too much and do fun bad stuff) so we went north to the beach...it was foggy and muggy at the same time, today we left and it was a low fog, but cooler, now we are home and it is sunny and blue. I took my camera, and left it in the safe the entire time, never thought to take pics with my cell ( duh) I was sort of irked because I only got internet access the 1st day, they were having a major wi-fi problem ...thank god I made him put it back on my phone so I could at least keep up with my email, it is nothing to have 2 or 300 a day and that is not spam, just my crazy friends.so now i have been married 42 years or 10 years depending which time. Ya know everyone needs a break now and then, the one we took was a 20 year one...


Gardenia said...

We are taking a short break too - 24 hours on the beach - before surgery - not too sure how it will go, haven't been anywhere like this for - ever. Years. Not without kids, grandkids. Yike who is that stranger?

So anyway, Happy Biannual Anniversary.

I too forget my cell phone takes pictures, drat.

jAMiE said...

Happy anniversary...enjoy!

jAMiE said...

Me again...i left a little something for you on my blog = )

jAMiE said...

Sorry for mistaking your location, silly me!