Is mr. punxxi's real birthday,on Tuesday, meaning that our original anniversary is on Thursday....this is good because we will be in So. California on that day.It won't be raining or cold or foggy which it has been up here. We are also going to meet our grandson for the first time( he's 22 years old), so that should be an interesting trip. It is also going to be a fast trip because we will be coming home on Sunday. The actual reason we are going down is because a good friend of ours invited us to a surprise party for her mom, who will be turning 80 on Saturday.She is a sweet lady and doesn't look or act her age a all, she is so much fun...wish my M-I-L was that cool. It will be good to take a fast trip, we went for 3 weeks last time and were exhausted when we came back, there are so many people to visit . I told mr punxxi after that, that the big mistake is that we never scheduled any "me time", it was crammmed with visiting everyone and no rest at all. I told him in the future that is what we have to do. It's hard because after you have lived and worked some where for your entire adult life you know so many people that you want to catch up with...well he does because he is such a social butterfly,and has friends that he has known since he started primary school, me, i'm more uh,um, antisocial( not really, it's hard to explain without sounding like a total biotch).
tata and have a great weekend!
1 year ago
WEll, if you figure out any way for me time, let me know. The long trips are kind of exhausting - yes? I didn't get to see everyone - felt guilty - and still so tired.....winter on the horizon is almost welcome.
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