I can't believe it has been over a month since I posted a blog, but things are just busy right now, with constant house cleaning on the of chance that someone will come by and want to look at it or maybe even,"gasp" want to buy it! Things were going along swimmingly until last Thursday, and my least favorite person in the world came over for dinner, as everyone does on a typical Thursday night, and tripped over her feet and broke her hip...almost 6 years to the day her late husband did the same thing. Except he wasn't trying to be cute and sucking down the Drambuie when he fell.He didn't make it through the night when he had his surgery...she had hers Saturday and the surgery went well, except that she is not doing so well, last night they wanted to put her on a ventilator but we said no, but did let them give her a vasopressor to kick up her blood pressure.Then, today they gave her 2 units of blood to also help it up. She is a full no code, she knows what that is and has expressed her desire for no heroics.My husband told them today, no more stuff, just make her comfortable. She has been mostly incoherent and not waking up much and we are not sure how with it she is when she does. She is 95, has a pacemaker that needs to be replaced,but the docs won't do it because chances are she will not make it thru that. a knee that was replaced 20+ years ago that was supposed to last for 10 years...it is also the same leg where she just had the ball joint replaced. Her heart only works to a 15% capacity without the pacemaker and she has been trying to die since 1975...it's time to let her go! She had a very major heart attack in '75 and they didn't think she would make it, then about 18 years ago she was in a head on collision, with her side of the car taking the major hit. They didn't think she would make it thru that one, either. She can't hear very well, even with her hearing aid, can barely see, and after this she won't be able to indulge in her favorite pastime...shopping. My husband is her only child and he has a hard time understanding why people can't fathom that he has no problem with her just going to sleep. He says it's a good time, since she is not concious of what is going on, last time she was in the hospital she was terrified she was going to die...
1 year ago