

Seems like I haven't posted in forever, but that is because I lead an extremally placid life out in the country. I don't know what's wrong...it hasn't even rained today(holy moly what did we do to annoy the rain gods???) Yesterday we switched from satillite to cable telly, can't tell if we like it yet or not. The installer came out and set up 3 boxes( yes, we all have our own telly) 2 of the boxes didn't work quite right, so he said he would leave them for s to watch and that we could exchange them at the office in the morning, which we did. All is working well now, plus we added some more channels. Then I went and picked up some Prozac at wallyworld, woo hoo 80 cents for a months worth, I guess I really am a cheap date, afterall.This is all I have to worry about,damn! Oh well, tomorrow is Wednesday, the day D ( son) and I run around, and if it isn't raining we are going out for a hike , probably on the beach , so we get some sun and exercise. I will try to remember to take my camera , it's a p.i.a. to use my phone, it doesn't do movies wish I had checked that out first. Also I want to say, Sunday was a funday, hanging out with everyone @ Scooter-forums Radio.. and chatting , it was great fun.


The Preacherman said...

It was? Can't remember a bloody thing myself so it must have been a good'n ;-)

Let's have some pics of your countryside. I love the countryside. Hate towns. Nasty places around here.

Right. Off on me nightshift. T'ra

Furtheron said...


Gardenia said...

I love the music you put in withthe post. I think your life is fine - I enjoy reading your posts - don't stop!