
We were in the desert last week...

We went to visit friends last week, it was 80 degrees f.! Mr.Punxxi always dresses in the proper attire for the environment...

he is standing in front of our friends garage, they are just moving into their new house, which is absolutly beautiful,btw.


Gardenia said...

80 degrees and working in a garage! Oi. You must have gone south for the warmth, eh? We will have to make one of these outfits for "H" when we get ready to have our garage sale.

Furtheron said...


Here we've had the "once every 20 years" snow event. i.e. about 6 inches to a foot and the world has stopped. Our road is impassable, cars abandoned, schools shut etc. etc. Hopeless.

Don said...

So, where'd he get the muu-muu? It can't be yours! ;)

The Preacherman said...

dodgy Arab.....

am I allowed to say that these days?


I know a woman who has to wear bedhuin tents as they don't make dresses that big. Just so yer know....

The Preacherman said...

yer know what DILLIGAF means then?

clue...Kevin Bloody Wilson. A hero of mine.....